What we do
Blood Pressure Awareness
Design Automation
Design Training
Large Format Printing
Logo/Brand Development
Technical Diagram


What we do
Live Streaming


Newtown Movie School
Stop Motion Handbook
iPad Animation
Kidz Corner childcare
Brainy Birds - Kids Art

Blood Pressure Awareness

How do you attract attention to a health risk without getting too sombre about it?
For the Stroke Foundation's blood pressure campaign Acumen used a combination of a dark, distorted figure known as 'Migraine Man' with bright colours to spell out the message. It works well: a combination of lure and caution. The campaign was being run with the volunteer support of the Lions New Zealand. Half of the campaign challenge was to assist the volunteers with easy-to-use support material. The other half was encouraging the public to take the opportunity of a free blood pressure check, and provide them with good follow-up information.

Total design solution

Acumen provided content proofing for consistency between all campaign documents as well as design, production and print management. As there were varying print quantity requirements the final product was a combination of digital and offset printing. Acumen ensured consistent colours from the two printing processes. In the end, the only people to spot the difference were the Stroke Foundation staff, when they received a cheaper invoice for digital printing of the low volume items.

"I have moved all of my design and production work to Acumen because I consistently find them to be highly efficient, accurate and very reasonably priced."

Martin Robinson, Stroke Foundation NZ